July 23, 2018

Wells' Nursery

Since I don't do affiliate links, I haven't linked most items. If you want a link, let me know!

To preface, we'll be in this house for about 6-8 months more, so we weren't looking to design a forever-space for this little guy. All I did was paint the walls. They were a light brown/tan (which was perfectly livable), but I re-did them in Valspar's Rocky Bluffs, which is the color I use for everything. Also, there are no pictures of the closet (don't nurseries always showcase a closet or am I imagining this?) because the closet is indeed being used for storing baby items. It's organized but I've already started rotating things out and putting unused items away for now.

My plan for baby was gray walls, navy blue, and woodland creatures whether the baby was a boy or a girl. For a girl, I would've added in some pink here or there. For Wells, navy blue is taking over and that's okay #becausePennState and navy is my favorite color.

We are VERY lucky in the sense that almost everything in Wells' nursery was either bought for us through our registry, gifted to us, or it was something we've repurposed from other rooms in our house. The only things we really sought out were the 3 main pieces of furniture: the crib, changing table/dresser, and glider. Along with the carseat and stroller.

I bought this shelf for like $10 in Alaska years ago and painted it. It was always in our guest room.
The arrow sign was like $5 at Hobby Lobby a few years ago and was also in our room in Colorado. 
The books were either gifted or I snagged them out of the book order this past spring.
Algonquin is a super old book and Scott found it in a CON-EX after his last Afghanistan deployment. It was just randomly laying there and he had no idea where it came from, so he brought it home and, I kid you not, read it to the dogs. Because the dog on the front looks like Scout. 

I need to get some hooks to put on the wall to hold the curtains back. The curtain rods were already in the room and I wasn't about to replace them for no reason, but the curtains don't slide super well. Which is probably because of the blackout material. 

The swing is Fisher-Price.
The chair is from WayFair. It was a close-out last month. $600+ down to $229. I don't have an ottoman yet, but I'm thinking I'll get a non-matching one from Amazon this fall. It hasn't been completely necessary yet. The throw was thoughtfully made by a blog friend.

The rug was bought in Afghanistan back in 2012. I like the colors. I think it's goat hair? We had it in the guest room in Colorado but we've not gotten much use out of it otherwise. Scott had brought back a few rugs during that deployment and he originally said he didn't want that "Taliban rug" in the baby's room...but seriously: We either throw away a very valuable rug and buy a new one, or we just put the rug down. (And he didn't actually buy it from the Taliban.)

Crib is from Target. I wanted not gray and not white and the floors are a light wood so, even though this will only be his room for several months, I liked the dark wood crib a lot. 
Changing table/dresser is from Wayfair. We bought it in April-ish and it's not on the site anymore. The top is removable so it'll serve as a regular dresser.
I initially thought it'd be great to have a longer dresser for the space during changes or for storage. However, they were all a little expensive for what I wanted to spend for a changing table and the room isn't huge, so this one serves us well. We've discovered we don't actually need the extra table space, anyway.
I ordered the watercolors of the dogs for Scott for his birthday a few years ago. 

My cousin gave us this Brittany pillow cover for Christmas. I think it was from Pottery Barn? No better place to put it. 

These baskets/crates are from Amazon. My mom got them all for us because she liked them and I really do too. 

The prints are from Etsy. I have two more, but am still trying to decide where to put them. Maybe on the shelves that are still hanging out in Colorado once we get all the furniture moved here. 
Curtains were $10 a panel at Target. I got 4 panels so hopefully they'll fit wherever we move next as well. 
Lampstand was bought at Salvation Army in Alaska for $9 and I painted it years ago. 

I took these pictures before Wells was born so some of the arrangement has changed but the basics are still there. The swing is by our bed now and the monitor sits by the swing. I put the Hatch light/sound machine away for now because the swing does sounds and I'll use the Hatch when he starts sleeping in his crib/room.

We also put this mat down for tummy time (my mom sent it) and Wells hates it but, hey, Jett loves it. 

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