October 6, 2016

S&T 10/6 (Dog Food and Compulsive Shopping)

+We all know that I run out of dog food once in awhile because I'm a really bad judge of how long it lasts. To get by in the interim, before the Chewy order arrives, I stop at Safeway or Target and grab a smallish bag of Purina Chicken and Rice.

Once upon a time, we bought this food made out of duck and the dogs loved it and all was well. Then, Chewy discontinued the large size of that bag so I had to find something else. I went back to the salmon food that Scout used to eat from about 1 year of age and on. This, I'm sure, is where he developed his love for fish. Jett, of course, would eat anything so he used to eat the salmon food too. We've been into keeping the dogs on a grain-free diet because that's what's really best for hunting dogs. This is why the duck food and the salmon food worked out so well.

Unfortunately, these dogs don't like the salmon food anymore. I mean, they'll eat it. But they sniff around and abandon their bowls or they don't finish it. Scout has always been this way when it comes to food but to see Jett leave food in the bowl or not inhale it right away made me do a double-take.
They do, however, love them some Purina Chicken and Rice (that I buy when I need emergency dog food). They eat it so quickly...I've never seen Scout eat this way. Therefore, I've developed this theory that the salmon food is like the broccoli and plain chicken of dog food (no one really wants to eat that stuff) and the chicken and rice is like the pizza of dog food (everyone loves it).
So. I placed an order for a version of chicken and rice dog food and it should arrive this week.
In order to use up the salmon food (that is ex.pen.sive), I've started mixing it with the stuff they love; layering the chicken/rice on top of the salmon so they start eating it and then eat the salmon food too.

They always leave a little bit of the salmon food in the bowl. Just to remind me of their dissatisfaction.

+I needed an extra set of sheets, so I ordered these from L.L.Bean based on a friend's recommendation. I want a giant flannel comforter too, but I don't know if I can justify $500 on bedding. Hmmm...

+Also, I'm realllllllly into these Sole Society boots, but $90 for shoes is more than I usually spend. The $90 territory is reserved for bags and maybe coats.

+Who watched Timeless? I'm an absolute sucker for something that combines time travel/history teachers/pretty people. I liked Timeless. Go for it.

+Tomorrow is the last day to sign-up for the Pumpkin Swap! Expect to receive your partner by Monday :)


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  1. Our dogs will eat anything. Seriously. Any food that is offered to them, they eat. Our cats are the picky ones. Of course, they like the most expensive cat food that money can buy.

  2. I meant to watch Timeless after it piqued my interest during the Olympics (with all the promo ads), but I haven't. I may have to try to watch the back episodes and get caught up. Someone else said it was good, too.

  3. So I'm kind of freaked out by flannel sheets and I have absolutely no idea why. Maybe I had a bad experience with as a child or something. Anyway, I hear they're great for cold winters and I'm all about mitigating the horror of winter so I may need to investigate. If the comforter will last you a fairly long time (years?) then I'd say you could justify it on a cost per use basis....

  4. Dogs are like kids, and yours surely are!

    I haven't caught Timeless yet but want to!

  5. Now I really want a set of their flannel sheets but I am not spending over $150 on sheets. Unless you tell me they're like gold. LOL

    I hate when my dogs turn up their nose at super pricey food.

  6. Dogs are silly creatures that's for sure!

  7. My cats will eat around certain shapes/flavours of their kibble or use their paws to flick the pieces they don't like out of the bowl. I love my flannel sheets but I try not to put them on until December, even though the nights are chilly now I know it's going to get so much colder!

  8. I wanted to try Timeless. Abigail Spencer has been at the TV festival the past two years I've gone and she seems likable as a person so I don't know, it makes me want to watch a show she's in. Andrew has zero interest and I watch enough on my own so maybe I'll see how people say it progresses before I commit.

  9. I absolutely LOVED Timeless. I cant wait to see all the history come to life.

  10. lol @ pretty people. i didn't watch it, but i saw the trailer a week or so ago and it looked good. once i get over my current obsession with my new tv show, i will watch it.
    $500 on bedding?! yeah no.
    my cats are the same with food - we only give them dry food but they make it known when we buy something they don't like.

  11. I didn't know L.L. Bean had sheets...those look nice! You'll have to update on how they wear because $$$$$. We've had our $30 Target flannel sheets for 2 years now and they still look fine.

    Added Timeless to my watch list on Hulu, too. Tonight!

    I don't mind spending $90+ on shoes if I know I'll wear them and get at least a couple years out of them. Especially something non-trendy like a pair of nice basic tan ankle boots!

  12. Expensive bedding makes me sad. No real reason except I want to buy it and it's not in the budget.

    My cat let us know right away what she did and didn't like. I feel okay that we didn't have to spend a ton of money figuring it out. The dogs are on a moderate-expensive priced ($50 for a 16 pound bag) food now but Barkley has major digestive issues and he doesn't puke it back up so I gladly pay it.

  13. I didn't watch Timeless yet, but it's on my DVR!! I'm a sucker for the exact same reasons so I'm glad to hear you liked it!!


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