December 14, 2015

Maybe this will be our Christmas card picture

                 Scott made me hold one of these dead snow geese "still" while he measured it. 
I made him take a picture.

I sent out regular Christmas cards this year.
Maybe because I've wasted entire hours of my life trying to get things looking the way I've wanted on sites like Shutterfly or Minted in Christmases past.  Maybe because Wal-Mart's website NEVER works when I try to make Christmas cards on it. Neither does Target's.

A big part of it is that I usually put together our Christmas cards over Thanksgiving break.  Scott wasn't actually scheduled to return from the training he was at until the first week of December. It was great to have him home a week and a half early but, in my mind, I'd already written off Christmas cards because I assumed he wouldn't be here for a picture.

I thought about doing New Year's cards.  I like the idea of sending something out in January, avoiding the mad rush of Christmas cards. And then I thought of the cards I had bought years ago, at Target, in the after-Christmas sale. They were so pretty and I never sent them because I was all, "Must make personalized Christmas card" for the last few years.

So this year, I sent them. Just like in the olden days.

I mean, I could've put me and the dead snow geese on some cardstock.
I thought it'd be a better use of time to just post it here.

While I do love Christmas, gift-giving, cookie-baking, decorating, reflecting on past Christmases, etc...I have trouble with the keeping up with the Jones aspect of the holiday. I mentioned that last year.


  1. I like to send cards because I like to send them - not because anyone else sends them. I send them to over 60 people who don't send us a card, so it's not a tit for tat thing either. I just like to send a greeting.

    I do really like the idea of New Year's cards.

  2. I like regular cards with a nice handwritten note. It seems more thoughtful than just a generic card. You're braver than I am, I could have never held that bird haha.

  3. I had plans to do a mini session of professional pictures for our cards this year, try to make it a tradition then BAM she cancelled because of the threat of flurries in MO that particular weekend. So I had to rush around to find something and while I did, the cancelling kinda bummed me out about the entire thing.

    I think this is all partially because there's no cold or snow in Missouri and it doesn't feel like Christmas without it.

  4. I'm just like you. I like all the parts of Christmas prep except the cards. I never do them. Mostly because I am insanely lazy.

  5. I think the goose picture would have been hilarious. But probably not everyone would have found it as funny. ;)

    I was all gung ho about cards this year until we actually went to take a picture, and then my enthusiasm plummeted. It felt awkward this year...for reasons previously discussed.

  6. I've never sent a holiday card and to be honest... I dread it. Ever since writing save the dates I swear I'll do anything to avoid writing something by hand! lol

  7. We already talked about this a bit, but I had a lot of "regular" cards this year from people who have sent photo cards in the past. I wanted to do a photo card, too, but the in the pictures I did have of us from this year, Scott is wearing the same looked ridiculous. lol

  8. I love that you sent just regular cards! You're better than me--I don't send any anymore. I sent cards out our first year of marriage and then decided I just didn't enjoy the process at all and it seemed like sort of a waste. Plus, I don't "exist" In my family, so what was the point of sending them all cards anyway?


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