April 30, 2015

Stuff and Things 4/30

+It's the last day of April.  That's a celebration.

+The miller moths are coming back.  I'm actually really relieved to know that it's not us or me or something that I can control or fix.  It's just a part of life in Colorado.  Thank goodness.

+Although it is my single biggest complaint about living in Colorado.

+And I'm annoyed that Scott doesn't have to suffer through moth season with me.  Definitely not fair.

+This is what I was alluding to yesterday.  We have several empty wine bottles and I want to do something crafty with them.  Something real Pinterest-like.  Any ideas?  I've just been saving them, since last June, in the basement and I'd like to eventually incorporate them into the landscaping or some kind of decoration.  Like, Hey, we worked hard on this house and here's the proof.  

Something like this?

+My art from Minted showed up!  I've never been to Paris but I just love this.

Here's the post I wrote about the selection of art that's now at Minted.com. 

+This popped up on Pandora the other day and, I'll tell you, nothing says 2005/2006 more than All-American Rejects.  

I was having The Hills/Laguna Beach flashbacks.  I admit it:  I loved The Hills.  

How is that for random?


  1. I loved The Hills too! The artwork is gorgeous!!! Happy Thursday :)

  2. That Paris print is so evocative. Just beautiful. About your moths... I read that link and they sound really annoying. How bad does it get? Is it like, biblical proportions? Maybe you could get a pet bat... Bats are cute, right?!

  3. oh my gosh that paris print is gorgeous! i want it! i am going in june so i will probably order that when i get home ;)

  4. What about a bottle tree? I love them.

    I am not clicking on that moth thing. I'm sorry for whatever you are going through with them or will go through with them, but I just can't. LOL

    I adored Laguna Beach (seasons 1-2) and liked The Hills.

  5. I can't wait to see what you figure out with the wine bottles. That would be neat to have!

  6. I miss the hills!!!! Oh man, such delicious drama!

  7. That Paris print! LOVE! Eeewww I didn't even click on the moth thing, but that sounds horrid!

  8. Years & years ago I read a story about how months are really great animals because once upon a time they were just as pretty as butterflies. Then God asked the butterflies and months for some of their colour but the butterflies were too proud to give any of theirs away so the months had to lose all of theirs to make up for the butterflies. I've searched all over to find the actual story but I've never been able to find it, I think it was a fable type thing we read in early elementary school but it has totally stuck with me!

  9. I'm sure you are going to come up with something really cool for the wine bottles!

  10. I do the same thing, keeping wine bottles and even bottle caps... I love the idea on that pin to make them into tiki torches or some type of lighting!

  11. I loved The Hills, too...and then The City.

    I love that print...I'd kill for one of Seattle drawn like that.


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