September 15, 2014

The 3rd Annual Great Pumpkin Swap

It's that time again!  I really hope you'll join Becky and me for this fun, fall tradition.  

If you'd like to sign-up, here are the specifics.
1. Fill out the form to sign up for the swap! (no exceptions after 11:59pm on Saturday, 9/20)
2. By Monday, September 22nd, you will get an e-mail with your swap partner.
3. Once you know your partner, please make contact within 48 hours (by Wednesday, September 24th) to get to know a bit more about each other!
4. Spend $15-$20 ( plus shipping) to put together a fun package for your partner.
5. Mail your package on or before Friday, October 3rd.
6. Link up with us on Friday, October 17th to share your swap goodies!

Hopefully we'll see your name on the list by Saturday…  Happy Shopping!

(And you do need to scroll in the form to get to the submit button.)


  1. I'm so bummed that I can't do the swap this year. Not having a mailing address makes it difficult haha.

  2. Not sure if my first comment went through...anyway, I'm all signed up! Can't wait to see who I get paired up with.

  3. Excited for this swap!


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