June 12, 2014

Stuff and Things 6/12

Happy Thursday all!  I'd like to say summer vacation is relaxing, but we've been busy, busy, busy.  Obviously.  

I'm feeling the effects of the altitude here.  Even though I've been drinking 100+ oz. of water a day for the last 2 months, I feel constantly dehydrated and usually have a headache when I wake up.

Also, we have a gypsy moth infestation. Everyday is a battle.

Onto happy things…

This is pretty funny.

There's 34 more really dumb things here.

The dry air in Colorado is doing wonders for my skin.  Really!  I think I could love it here if I don't have to struggle day in and day out with skin issues that included rash-like pimples on my cheeks.  Dry air must be the secret:  I didn't have a skin issue to speak of in Alaska and I'm sure that was because of the lack of humidity.

Since we have well-water here (actually two wells), our dishes come out of the dishwasher sparkling clean in a way they never were before.  Stupid city water.  One point for country living.

We stopped by the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs the other day.  It was kind of crowded (and chilly at 65 degrees!) since it was a weekend, but we plan to go back during the week.


  1. Garden of the Gods looks incredible! And we have a well, too. I love it. Some wells don't have the tastiest water but ours is really good.

  2. The Garden of the Gods is absolutely beautiful. I used to go there a lot as a kid but haven't visited as an adult. Hopefully this changes soon!

  3. Aw it's awesome to see Colorado through your eyes!! I'm the opposite with skin stuff, though. Dry air is worse, but humidity helps!

  4. Did ya see the kissing camels?

  5. Well water is amazing! My in-laws used to have it before their town made them convert to...well, whatever it is they have now, and my hair was never so soft as when we would visit them and I showered at their house.

    The Garden of the Gods is gorgeous! I think I need to get out there and see it up close.

  6. Just read that whole "dumb people" list and shared it around the office... perfect start to the day!! I love that photo of you and the pups!

  7. Love Garden of the Gods! I'm honestly nervous about the altitude changes for the kids and I! Bring on the water I guess!

  8. I don't know what I'd do with dry air. NC is sticky hot. I opened the door yesterday to drop something in the dumpster and immediately started sweating. I'm moving in, k?

  9. I love Garden of the Gods, it's gorgeous!

  10. Crap, forgot to link up yesterday. My brain is insane this week.

    Good skin is awesome...the other not so much. I have a lot of problems in higher elevations.

  11. Garden of the Gods is gorgeous! I need to visit Colorado someday. I've always loved the scenery there.

    That Buzzfeed article is ridiculous, sad, and yet so funny. I'm always amazed at our society's intelligence.

  12. I was there when I was 10. I have a pic of me "holding" up a rock. It's so beautiful!!

    Dry air. Ugh - it's REALLY dry here and I'm constantly cracked. I miss SF humidity, which wasn't really humid...

  13. Love that you guys are out and exploring already!


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