June 2, 2014

On finding a new job…

With our Army lifestyle, I've been lucky enough to find the kind of teaching positions where I can really use my talents.  People have often suggested to me that I should try part-time work, or I should tutor, or maybe I could do something else for awhile.  I've often even tossed around the idea of working in real estate.  The exercise instructor thing didn't pan out for a few different reasons, but fitness is something I still believe in and want to incorporate into my day-to-day routine again.

Truthfully, and this is going to sound like I'm bragging and putting myself down all at the same time, teaching is the only thing I've ever really been good at.  And we should do what we're good at, right?

A few tears were shed last August when I didn't have a job for the school year.  August is my favorite month because that's when school starts.  I am, and forever will be, someone who loves school.  Luckily, I was hired to teach 2nd grade three weeks after the year started.  It was a whirlwind and a blessing.

As I was packing up my classroom over the last few weeks, I was wondering "Will I get to use this stuff again?"  "Maybe in an upper grade level?"  "Please God, not more 2nd grade…".
I had the same thoughts last year in Alaska when I was packing up.  Although, I really only took half my Alaska classroom with me; I left a lot because the year wasn't over when we PCSed.  

Now, the difference has been that I've been applying for jobs in Colorado for about two months now.  I think I started applications around spring break in March.  Or at least it was on the to-do list.  I might've waited until April.  I've had 3 interviews over the last 3 weeks.  One was for a 7th grade Language Arts position.  That, to be honest, terrified me because it would've pushed me into quite unfamiliar territory.  I'm certified to teach it; I just never have.  Comfort is sometimes key.  I didn't get that job and I realized that was the first interview I'd had since 2010 that didn't work out.  I told myself there was something better out there.

Two weeks ago, I had an interview for a 4th grade position.  A few days later, the principal called to offer me the job.

To say I am elated to be heading back into the 4th grade classroom would be an understatement.  I feel this enormous sense of relief.  Of excitement.  Of anticipation.  Of teaching being what it used to be for me.  You know, back when I had a group of kids who would make me cry with their sweetness and make me laugh everyday.

Sure, I think I'm setting lofty ideals, because I haven't even seen my new school yet, but I'm hopeful.  I'm hopeful that I can start to really love teaching again.

And that 30 minute commute that I'll have is totally not freaking me out.  I have't commuted more than 10 minutes since 2011.  Let's not think about it right now.


  1. Yay!! I'm so glad you got a job in a grade and position that you're excited about!

  2. Commutes are no fun, BUT at least you got a grade you want! Congrats, chickie!

  3. Congrats on the new job. I hope it is everything you hope it to be!

  4. Congrats on the job, that's great!!

  5. Congrats on the new job! If I ever decide to use my teaching license, which I am sure I will after Korea, I am happy that I can teach K-12. I think I'd be a great middle to high school teacher, but the little guys test me.

  6. Don't they say if you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life? While I don't think that's 100% accurate 100% of the time (I love graphic design, for instance, but there are some occasions where I want to throw my computer across the room and it just feels like WORK!) I do think it's important to at least enjoy your job 90% of the time. The other 10% can be endured. I'm excited for you!

  7. I'm so happy you were able to find a new job! :)

  8. I'm so glad that everything worked out so nicely with the move to Colorado. I know how much things can feel out of sorts and up in the air (especially in regards to work) with a move. That desperate feeling of just needing SOMETHING--and sometimes putting what we "want" on the back burner. So I'm glad you were able to find not only a job...but a job you want! Congrats, friend!

  9. I absolutely love how much you seem to love teaching, it's really inspiring! Congratulations on the job!

  10. Congrats on the new job - I'm sure the commute won't end up being too bad :) It's definitely hard to find work as a military spouse depending on your field.

  11. We just had this project for my AP Bio classroom where we went into fourth grade classrooms and taught them 30 minutes lessons on random science stuff, mostly stuff that's not in the Common Core standards, and I can see why you'd like that age group! They're all so sweet and hilarious!

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  12. Yay congrats, now send that good luck on to me!

    As for that commute, you'll just have to eat breakfast on the road and you'll be there in no time. I do it all the time!

  13. Congratulations on the job! It makes me feel so much better hearing other military spouse professional "success" stories. Leaving my East Coast-based network for Washington was hard enough, and now I'm taking on job hunting in Germany. Hearing someone else getting a job in their career field is so comforting!

  14. Congratulations! What great news. Seriously, 4th grade was one of my favorite years of elementary school. It's like, they're old enough to not be too annoying but not old enough to be total butt heads. Hope that made sense.

    Anyway. Suck it up with your measly 30 min commute, mine's a little under 2 hours with traffic. My advice: get XM Radio or books on tape. Yes, like senior citizens have, haha.

  15. Congratulations!

    Do you know, at age 37, I am still in regular touch with my fourth grade teacher? She was someone who made a big difference to me.

    30 minute commute, you got that

  16. That's SO exciting and what a relief. There is something to be said about teaching in a grade/subject that you love. I wouldn't give up my teaching job for the world right now! Congratulations :)

  17. Congrats, again! I'm so glad you're able to get back to 4th grade!

    I have a 30 minute commute every day....up a mountain. If I can do it, so can you! ;)

  18. Yay!! I'm so happy for you. And now I know who to email with questions about 4th grade next year... :)

    (PS, my commenting is woefully inadequate lately. I'm catching up now. I love your new design!!)


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