May 27, 2013

Branson is the name of a Downton Abbey character.

We spent Saturday and Sunday in Branson, Missouri.  A friend of Scott's from Alaska just happened to be marrying a girl from Arkansas, and they just happened to be having the wedding at a lodge near Branson.  It was only 2 hours from our house, so that's not the kind of opportunity you can turn down.

The view was hideous.
While sitting at that ceremony, I said I was "too hot".  Scott was appalled.  

I noted that most of the animal heads on the wall were elk.  Scott was sure to point out: "And that one's a moose..."

That's false advertising.  There's no moose on the Missouri/Arkansas border (Dear Lord, I hope not anyway.)

We looked into spending the night in a modern cabin at this lodge.  All they had left were villas (poor planning on our part) for...$3,500 a night.  

 We stayed at a Ramada for $70 instead.
The sweater (Loft clearance) was out of habit.  The dress is Derek Hart (dumb juniors' brand), but I thought it was cute for $19 at the PX.  It's very flowy.  

I didn't take a whole lot of pictures, simply because Scott, his friend that drove down with us, and the groom were the only people I knew at the wedding.  In fact, our invitations never even arrived, due to our new address/mail forwarding, etc.  So we just kinda showed up.  It was awkward.  It did keep me busy all night..trying to figure out who everyone was.

Anyway.  Branson...

Have you been to Ocean City, Maryland?  Niagara Falls?  Atlantic City?

Take away the oceans, the casinos, and the Falls.  Now you have Branson.

Giant Titanic museum (complete with "Touch a real iceberg!!!")

Large inanimate objects. Terrifying.

Ever been to Branson?  I wanted to drive over the Arkansas border, just because we were RIGHT there, but I was exhausted.  I really don't think I've adjusted to the time change yet.  In addition, I've had what I'm calling "half a cold" for the last week; it's not a real cold...just allergy-like symptoms.

Guess we'll have to make the trip to Arkansas another time!

Sharing at This Weekend I..


  1. I've been there! and we drove to the arkansas border, just because!

  2. Did you go inside the titanic? I haven't been to branson in years then the tornado hit and I heard that the museum was hit. And if you don't mind me asking which lodge was that pricey? I've never heard of things being that pricey down there :)

  3. My family used to go to Branson all the time when I was little but seeing these pictures makes me realize it's not as cool as I thought it was!

  4. I know a few people that live there. I think it would be cool to visit. Oh and you look beautiful! :)

  5. That giant king kong is too funny!

  6. I have always wanted to go to Branson; I have NO clue as to why. I had a friend who went with her family once and said it was fun, I guess it depends on what you're doing there?! Your dress was cute, at least and no long drive!

  7. It can only go up from here right?!

    All weekend I kept putting a sweater on out of habit too. It takes so much getting used to!

  8. Interesting! Looks kinda fun. Vegas of the midwest ;)

  9. Bwaaahaha touch a real iceberg. That's ridiculous and hilarious! So's the elk lodge. But you look adorable, and even though it was hot, the view wasn't bad at all!

  10. We are stationed right outside of St. Louis, and many of our coworkers recommended Branson to us, saying how exciting and awesome it was. They are all liars.

  11. Branson looks like one helluva unique city. The giant king-kong...freakin' classic. I had the half a cold going on last week, it sucked.

  12. 3500 a night? That's crazy! i love your dress - that is a cute picture of you two!!

  13. I have been to a wedding other than my own in...5 years. I don't even know what it's like to go to a wedding as an adult. :P In Malaysia, they invite EVERYBODY to weddings, so there's usually like 500-700 people, and lots of times you don't even know the people getting married, but it always still seemed like fun.
    But staying anywhere for $3,500 a night is unimaginable.
    I used to live near Mammoth Cave National Park, and that area is chock-full of tourist traps. Your pictures of Branson look familiar for that reason!

  14. I'm not sure I ever thought you'd say you were "too hot." I can see why Scott as appalled! ;)

    I do so love that dress!

  15. Ha ha, too hot. I love that dress! And I bet you're having climate sinus issues. I think it's a real thing. :)

  16. You guys look great!! I can't remember if you had said that you were at Big Cedar and I don't recognize any of the buildings in your photos (but the little sign next to your feet in the waterfall looks very Big-Cedar-ish!) Love that place ;-)

    Sounds like a great weekend!!

  17. Great photo of you and Scott. You are totally pulling off the junior brand. I still shop in the junior section occasionally hoping that a great find will be had. :)


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